

Apps on iOS are more profitable than those on Android

The global mobile market has come to an extension that makes it quite difficult to distinguish a good app from a bad one. However, it is yet easy to determine an app from a first glance and put it into a particular category. The truth is that the two main classes of mobile applications today are linked to the mobile device they run on. To be more specific, there are in general two apps in the mobile world – iOS and Android applications.

A recent research, on the other side, has shown that apps for iOS gain two times more profits than the apps for Android. The double revenue by iOS applications for mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets is, of course, expected and logical. Since the world of 21st century has changed due to the iPhone and all of its next updates in the digital and IT sphere, there is nothing weird in the fact that Apple are still number 1. Indeed, the 3 million apps in the Apple App Store and the popularity of iPhone and iPad devices as top preferred mobile gadgets make it clear – iOS apps are leaders.

Relying on the statistics that Apple conquers the mobile world and iPhone and iPad apps are so reputable, our IT team focuses on iOS app development. We can provide you with the best iOS app. For this purpose, though, we always follow one 100% working scheme. When we design and practically create an iOS app, we try to bring two main characteristics in its nature. We believe that a fantastic iOS app should be both – beautiful as design and functional as platform. You can be assured that all of our iOS work contains such successful and intuitive apps.